A Candidate of Jamb UTME 2020 , Alli Imam Zainab has committed suicide earlier today following her Low score in the ongoing examination. It has reported to Tijnai Faraday that Alli Imam zainab could not make it to the hospital after consumption of lethal substance popularly known as sniper ADVICE TO ALL JAMB UTME 2020 CANDIDATES. Suicide is not the answer though w hen you reach the breaking point of despair it can seem the only way to escape is taking drastic action. In many cases suicide seems like the easiest option. Your mind is clouded to the point where you can’t see any other way out. Often people who have reach this point have been “keeping up appearances” to hide the true situation from everyone around them. They are unable to comprehend any other resolution. It seems to be the only fix. The thing is that it may appear that it will fix things for you but it leaves utter devastation in your wake. Your family and your friends will never be the sa...